Trees of Particular Interest (TPI)


In Hong Kong, Trees of Particular Interest (TPI) receive special protection measures and require special permission for any actions. For example, application for tree removal of a TPI is extremely complicated and may be rejected if there is insufficient supporting expert documentation. In addition to TPI’s, Old and Valuable Trees (OVT) and Stone Wall Trees […]

Repeated Defoliation Can Lead to Tree Death, a 2021 Harvard Study

2021-08-18T18:46:18+08:00Insects & Mites, Not Categorized, Trees & Diseases|

We know that trees, just as any living thing, have a limit to their stored energy reserves. With each action a tree takes – whether it be leaf and root production, lengthening of branches, flowering, etc – energy is used. Trees that experience sudden and unexpected stress do have some level of store energy to […]

Mealybug Diagnostics


Mealybugs attach their piercing and sucking moutparts to the base and stem of new foliage. Preferring shade, they are often located under the leaves. These insects begin their activity at the beginning of spring and remain active throughout the year. It is possible to have as many as 5 generations of adult insect production in […]

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