Schizophyllum commune
Fruiting Body
Fruiting bodies (pilei) 1-3(5) cm in diameter, round, fan-shaped or kidney-shaped, flesh hard, becoming thin and elastic when wet, and fragile under dry conditions, outer surface felted, wavy, slightly […]
Fruiting bodies (pilei) 1-3(5) cm in diameter, round, fan-shaped or kidney-shaped, flesh hard, becoming thin and elastic when wet, and fragile under dry conditions, outer surface felted, wavy, slightly […]
Fruiting bodies sessile, resupinate or laterally attach to wood surface; pilei 1 × 2 cm to 4 × 6 cm in size, bracket-shaped, grow in bunches, tough and coriaceous, […]
Fruiting bodies up to 30 cm across, thick; pilei semi-circular, flat, hoof-shaped or irregular, woody yet pliable, upper surface cream-coloured, usually with green algal growth in older specimens; pore […]
Stromata 1.5-7 cm in diameter, 2-3 mm thick, separated, aggregated or fused, attached to substrate with narrow connectives, with crenate margins, surface brown-coppery to dark brown, with reticulate cracks, […]
Sexual stage: fruiting bodies annual, up to 45 cm wide and 10 cm thick, sessile, attached to the substrate widely and firmly; pilei applanate to
ungulates, single to imbricate, at […]
Fruiting bodies perennial, 10-20 cm × 5-15 cm and 1.5-12 cm thick; pilei broadly rounded, hoof-shaped or irregularly shaped bracket, flat and
directly attached to the substrate in clusters and […]
Fruiting bodies 2 × 4 cm to 4 × 8 cm in size and 1 cm to 3 cm in thickness; pilei reniform, flat, spongy, corky or woody when […]
Mature fruiting bodies perennial, usually from about 3 × 4 cm to 10 × 20 cm up to 40 × 75 cm, mostly solitary, sessile; pilei applanate, dimidiate or
appressed-reflexed, […]
Fruiting bodies perennial, up to 3.5 × 8.5 cm and 2 cm thick, solitary, broadly attached to substrate, semicircular, convex, consistency coriaceous
to woody hard; pilei surface first fulvous then […]
Coptotermes are wood-feeding termites that can attack both living and dead wood. The genus is notorious for its habit of colonizing living trees and hollowing out the heartwood to the […]