What are the potential infection routes of BRR disease in tree?


The disease mainly spreads through root-to-root contact or through infested wood debris in soil, though there may be the possibility of spreading of the disease through the dissemination of basidiospores from fruiting bodies. According to literature, mature fruiting bodies of Phellinus noxius seldom form in nature, though their basidiospores may assist in the long range […]

What is Phellinus noxius?


Phellinus noxius is a fungus that causes BRR disease on trees. Belonging to the genus Phellinus, P. noxius is placed under the family of Hymenochaetaceae within the Phylum Basidiomycota. Most of the species within the genus Phellinus act as saprotrophs in nature or as weak pathogens on trees. Only very few species are pathogenic with […]

What action will the Government take if a private lot owner fails to properly maintain the trees within his/her property?


Regardless of whether the lease contains any clause requiring the owner of a private lot to properly maintain the trees within his/her lot, it is the responsibility of the owner to properly manage his/her property including the trees planted on the lot. Private lot owners may be held liable for any casualty or property loss […]

What action will the Government take if a private lot owner carries out tree removal or pruning within his/her property without approval?


Where the lease of a private lot contains a tree preservation clause, if the lot owner carries out tree removal or pruning within the lot without DLO’s written consent, appropriate action will be taken by DLO upon detection. Such action includes issuing warning letters to the owner, requiring the owner to carry out compensatory planting […]

Is prior approval from the Government required for tree removal within private lots? What are the application procedures?


In granting a plot of land, the Lands Department (“Lands D”) executes a lease with the grantee who is required to comply with the lease conditions after becoming the owner of the land. Leases executed at different times contain varying conditions. Private lot owners have to check and comply with the lease conditions. Where there […]

What are the procedures for tree removal (tree transplanting and/or tree felling) on private or leased land?


If the tree concerned is located on leased land with tree preservation clause(s), removal (inclusive of tree transplanting and/or tree felling) of such tree is controlled by the relevant lease clauses.

Prior to any tree removal, the lot owner or his/her representative shall submit a tree removal application to the respective District Lands Office of the […]

Has the TMO made public details of the problematic trees?


The publicly accessible Tree Register was established in July 2010. It contains such information as the distribution and conditions of and risk mitigation measures for important trees (Old and Valuable Trees (OVTs) and stonewall trees) and problematic trees that require close monitoring. The Tree Register is updated regularly. Departmental inspection officers assess the health and […]

Do the TMO staff have the expertise to carry out their duties?


Currently (February 2016), the TMO has a total of 17 posts responsible for tree management. Most of these post-holders possess international professional qualifications in arboriculture, such as the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Municipal Specialist, ISA Certified Tree Risk Assessor, ISA Certified Arborist, holder of Certificate in Professional Tree Inspection (LANTRA Awards UK) or […]

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