Aphids Diagnostic Guide


Aphids are the most common insect found on trees and shrubs. There are many species of aphids that feed on numerous hosts. Aphids use their piercing sucking mouthparts to extract sap from the tender, new growth of plants. While aphid feeding does not look good, it usually doesn’t cause serious damage to plants. However, aphids […]

Ambrosia and Bark Beetle Diagnostic Guide


Trees at Risk

Avocado and various fruit trees, Camphora, Samanea, Liquidambar, Ulmus, Magnolia, and others. Many ambrosia species will preferentially attack smaller trees or new plantings in particular. They may tend to attack trees that have recently been weakened by a typhoon or other stressful event.

Signs […]

The 2020 Inclement Weather Season Has Begun, It’s Time to Inspect, Prune, and Treat Your Trees

2020-06-14T09:43:27+08:00Asia Tree News, Hong Kong Tree News|

The black rainstorm this weekend (2020-06-06) is a reminder that the strong weather season has begun. Both heavy rain and high winds can greatly impact tree stability during this time. Research and statistics have shown that winds over 110km per hour can even impact seemingly healthy trees. Heavy rain can also increase the amount of […]

Insect Treatment for Trees


Insects can be a major problem for trees. Some insects eat or suck leaves and some eat wood tissue. Many insects also introduce fungi into trees. Quite often, insects attack unhealthy trees when their immune system is low. However, some species of insects attack healthy trees of specific species, while termites will attack any type […]



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Vegetation Management


We specialise in finding cost effective solutions for complex problems. Utilising ongoing research and cutting edge technology, we strive to offer our clients a compatible and comprehensive integrated service on a large scale. Our programmes include GIS integration, programme audits and ongoing reporting throughout the process.

Our solutions for vegetation management along roads, train lines, and […]




Established in 2007, Asia Tree Preservation, Ltd. was formed by father and son Donald Picker and Jonathan Picker. With decades of experience, they constantly strive to pioneer new tree technologies, methodologies, and best management practices in Hong Kong and the surrounding region.

The Directors

Don Picker

Donald Picker

Don […]

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