Tree Pruning Services


Tree Pruning Services

Pruning may be the most common maintenance practice in tree care, but every cut made on a tree should be done for a reason, as each cut affects the tree’s future growth and development. ATP’s experienced arborists employ specialised training and equipment to determine how best to prune a tree, with a focus […]

Tree Risk Assessment


There are various methods for collecting the data necessary for determining tree safety on properties. Some methods collect general information while other methods are much more detailed. These are categorized into three levels:

Level 1 Tree Assessment

This method is used for large groups of trees and its purpose is to map locations, number trees, identify tree […]

Tree Removal Services


Tree Removal Application and Compensatory Planting Proposal

When planning a tree’s removal, ATP’s certified arborists can assist with both emergency removal applications, standard removal applications, and compensatory tree planting proposals. This usually includes tree survey, and tree risk assessment reports for submission to the Hong Kong Lands Department to meet tree removal application […]

Advanced Tree Risk Assessment


Level 3 Tree Risk Assessment (Advanced)

Often applied for important trees such as:

Trees of Particular Importance (TPI)

Heritage Trees

Old and Valuable Trees

Stonewall Trees

Sometimes a Level 1 or Level 2 Tree Risk Assessment is insufficient to determine a tree’s structural stability.  In this case ATP uses such instruments as the Resistograph® R650 and the Arbotom® Sonic Tomograph to […]

Tree Support System Services


ATP’s certified arborists can identify structural weaknesses in a tree and determine the appropriate tree support system, such as cabling, bracing or bolting options, to address issues before they cause damage. This service is especially valuable in areas prone to typhoons or strong storms.

Trees are constantly growing under the influence of countless internal and external factors. […]

Tree Health Care


Soil Improvement for Tree Root Development

Trees are more than trunks and branches. Root systems comprise a large and crucial part of a tree’s structure and provide stability and water and nutrient uptake. Not surprisingly, roots often need to be looked at closely in order to analyse and address a tree’s health or structural issues. Due […]

Construction and Utility Management


Trees growing in the city often conflict with utilities, roads, foundations, and construction plans. When developing a property, it is often necessary to incorporate existing trees into a project plan.  ATP utilises special equipment and techniques to safely work around trees and tree roots. We find solutions to complicated problems.

Planning Stage

ATP’s team of arborists can […]

Tree Removal Application


In Hong Kong, a “tree preservation clause” is often included in a property’s land lease agreement with the government.  If this clause is included, the requirement is that the property owner or tenant must first apply to the Lands Department for approval.  This includes living, dying, and dead trees.

Here is the instructions specified by the Hong […]

Tree Selection Consulting


ATP’s certified arborists help clients select trees according to the guiding principle of “the right tree for the right place”. Selecting the right tree for the right place means the client will not only have good-looking healthy trees that perform the functions required of them, they will also save as much as millions of dollars […]

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