Macrotermes barneyi


Appearance of Soldiers

With two classes of soldiers, the major soldiers (7.5-8mm long) and minor soldiers (5-6.5mm long). Major soldiers are with brownish red heads while those of minor soldiers are paler. Mandibles are black, long and saber-like


Build underground nests. May also build large earth mounds to house their nests. Soil particles and saliva are used […]

Auricularia polytricha

2016-12-21T21:52:07+08:00Fungi & Disease|

Fruiting Body

Fruiting bodies annual, 4-16 cm wide, resupinate or pileate, loosely attached, laterally and sometimes by a very short stalk, elastic, gelatinous, hymenium smooth, or wrinkled, pale brown to dark brown to blackish brown with a whitish boom, sterile surface dark yellowish brown to dark brown with greyish brown bands, hairy, silky; hairs up to […]

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