Schizophyllum commune

2016-12-21T21:51:58+08:00Fungi & Disease|

Fruiting Body

Fruiting bodies (pilei) 1-3(5) cm in diameter, round, fan-shaped or kidney-shaped, flesh hard, becoming thin and elastic when wet, and fragile under dry conditions, outer surface felted, wavy, slightly lined, with white, grey-white or pale orange areas, margin curling inwards, either split or lobed, stemless, simply sitting on the substrate; spores 5-5.5μm × 2 […]

Rigidoporus ulmarius

2016-12-21T21:50:46+08:00Fungi & Disease|

Fruiting Body

Fruiting bodies up to 30 cm across, thick; pilei semi-circular, flat, hoof-shaped or irregular, woody yet pliable, upper surface cream-coloured, usually with green algal growth in older specimens; pore surface red-orange, fading to buff or dull pink with age, tube layers cinnamon brown in contrast to the paler flesh, pores 5-6 per mm; spores […]

Kretzschmaria sandvicensis

2016-12-21T22:40:19+08:00Fungi & Disease|

Fruiting Body

Stromata 1.5-7 cm in diameter, 2-3 mm thick, separated, aggregated or fused, attached to substrate with narrow connectives, with crenate margins, surface brown-coppery to dark brown, with reticulate cracks, immediately beneath surface carbonaceous, tissue between and beneath perithecia brown to dark brown; perithecia 1.3-1.8 mm high, 0.6-1.5 mm wide, globose to obovoid; ostioles papillate […]

Ganoderma applanatum

2016-12-21T21:47:46+08:00Fungi & Disease|

Fruiting Body

Fruiting bodies perennial, 10-20 cm × 5-15 cm and 1.5-12 cm thick; pilei broadly rounded, hoof-shaped or irregularly shaped bracket, flat and
directly attached to the substrate in clusters and tiers, cork-like to woody, grey turning into brown, upper surface forming an uneven crust, with ridges and concentrated furrows, covered by a thick chocolate brown […]

Phellinus noxius

2016-12-21T21:45:49+08:00Fungi & Disease|

Fruiting Body

Mature fruiting bodies perennial, usually from about 3 × 4 cm to 10 × 20 cm up to 40 × 75 cm, mostly solitary, sessile; pilei applanate, dimidiate or
appressed-reflexed, surface dark brown to almost black, glabrous, and narrowly but irregularly zonate, margin white then concolourous, obtuse; pore surface grayish brown to brown, irregular, polygonal, […]

Fuscoporia senex

2016-12-21T21:44:36+08:00Fungi & Disease|

Fruiting Body

Fruiting bodies perennial, up to 3.5 × 8.5 cm and 2 cm thick, solitary, broadly attached to substrate, semicircular, convex, consistency coriaceous
to woody hard; pilei surface first fulvous then brown to raw umber, finely velvety tomentose, narrow concentric sulcate zones with stiff, erect hairs, margin 1 mm thick, paler, obtuse, entire, context fibrous, glossy, […]

How do I select the right arborist for the job?

  • Check for ISA arborist certification. ISA Certified Arborists are experienced professionals who have passed an extensive examination covering all aspects of tree care.
  • Ask for proof of insurance and then phone the insurance company if you are not satisfied. A reputable arborist carries personal and property damage insurance as well as workers’ compensation insurance.
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